The Causes of Laptop Fan Noise and How to Fix It | One PC Panda

If you’ve ever owned a laptop, you’ve probably encountered fan noise issues at some point or another. Depending on how severe the issue is, there are many ways to deal with it and prevent it from happening again in the future. The causes of laptop fan noise, and how to fix it, are all discussed below in detail. So next time your laptop starts squealing like an angry goose, read this article and figure out what to do!

What can I do if my computer makes too much noise?


Your laptop’s fan is there for a reason, to keep your device from overheating. If your computer sounds like it’s running at full speed all day, however, there might be an issue that requires a little more attention. Here are some things you can do if your laptop’s fan is noisy or not working at all.

What are the most common causes of a noisy fan?

What are the most common causes of a noisy fan

The most common causes for laptop fan noise is dust or dirt getting stuck in between fans. The best way to get rid of a noisy fan is by cleaning your laptop from inside out. As you clean, there are specific spots that you have to watch out for especially if they are usually covered such as around the vents, corners and crevices where dirt can easily accumulate. However, before doing any kind of cleaning you should make sure that your laptop is unplugged, cooled down and charged at least 50% before opening it up just so you don’t accidentally damage anything while working on it.

How often should I clean my laptop?

Cleaning your laptop on a regular basis is an important part of maintaining its overall health. This will ensure that heat is able to dissipate properly, that dust doesn’t build up in hard-to-reach places, and that you don’t have as many issues with overheating or fan noise. If you’re unsure how often you should clean your laptop, speak with a professional. (This should be done every 2 months at least) Alternatively some people do it once a month too!

What tools do I need to clean my computer?

What are the most common causes of a noisy fan?

A vacuum cleaner can be used for removing dust from your laptop, but when it comes to dirt that’s stuck in grooves, you should use a can of compressed air. Just be sure not to aim it at any electrical parts. You’ll also want to keep some isopropyl alcohol on hand; just apply a small amount with a cotton swab, let it sit for several minutes, then wipe with a damp cloth. If there are sticky spots left over, try rubbing them off with a pencil eraser or a dry-erase marker. Lastly, make sure you’re using anti-static wipes or pouches before storing your computer in its bag; these prevent smaller bits of dirt from getting into all those cracks where they’re impossible to remove.

When should I take my laptop for repair?


The first time you hear a clicking or buzzing noise emanating from your laptop’s fans, it can be quite alarming. No one wants their computer equipment making unusual noises. But before getting too worried, make sure you know what those sounds mean and whether or not they require attention. For instance, some fan clicking and buzzing is normal. However, if yours is louder than usual or seems like something more serious than simple electronic wear-and-tear (say as if there’s dust in your fan), consider having it checked out by a qualified technician.

Is there any way to prevent noisy fans in future?

The problem with laptop fans is that they tend to go bad after a few years, no matter how careful you are with your device. The best thing you can do is to take care of your laptop in general—don’t use it on your lap, for example, as heat tends to build up. Also avoid putting heavy objects on top of it, or exposing it to high temperatures (like direct sunlight). Exercise caution when using any electronic device at work or school, especially if there are ventilation issues. (If you’re in front of a fan or air conditioner all day, try to position yourself so your back isn’t directly against it.) Ultimately, laptops aren’t like phones; there isn’t an app for fixing dead laptop fans. So keep your laptops cool and intact! Most manufacturers will replace out-of-warranty laptops if their fans die within two years of purchase; though getting an exact replacement depends on whether such parts are still available from suppliers.

The fan is your laptop’s best friend. Without it, your machine would overheat within minutes, potentially causing permanent damage to its circuits and a devastating loss of productivity. As with any relationship, sometimes you need to sit down and talk things out with your fan in order to achieve long-term happiness. You can do so by checking your laptop’s specs or visiting an online forum for tips on what settings to adjust or how to clean your fan. You should also know that if you experience sudden or unexplained spikes in temperature, power surges are likely at fault; wear and tear from use doesn’t typically cause these issues. 
